Here are the the books on sale, by clicking on the picture or link you can purchase them. The oldest titles are already sold out, but do not panic – if you click on the distributor’s button „I am interested in“ and there will be more people interested, the publisher will make a reprint. Some books are available in electronic form for your e- reader.
Tests for the personnel work:
How to create and use them correctly
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Jiří Neubauer
Praha, Grada 2014, 142 pages,
ISBN 978-80-247-5056-9

Managerial communication
in the multinational surrounding
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Zalán Gasparics
Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 115 pages,
ISBN 978-80-7418-199-3
Effectiveness of education.
How to profit from the investement in developement of your emloyees
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Frank van Bommel,
Ondřej Juřička
Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 136 pages,
ISBN 978-80-7418-197-9

Personnel agencies:
Their task on the labour market
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Ondřej Juřička.
Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 80 pages,
ISBN 978-80-7418-164-1
133 games to motivate and develop team members
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Oldřich Fridrich
2. updated edition. Praha,
Grada Publishing 2011, 176 pages,
ISBN 978-80-247-3927-4
111 games to motivate and develop team members
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Oldřich Fridrich,
Praha, Grada Publishing 2009, 160 pages,
ISBN 978-80-247-2826-1

Diagnostics methods in the personnel field
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Praha, Grada Publishing 2008, 176 pages,
ISBN 978-80-247-2607-6

Tests for the personnel work:
How to create and use them correctly
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Jiří Neubauer
Praha, Grada 2014, 142 pages,
ISBN 978-80-247-5056-9

Developement and motivation of employees in the small and medium enterprises
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Dagmar Hamalová,
Oldřich Fridrich, Adam Novák
Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 189 pages,
ISBN 978-80-7418-198-6
Crisis communication – Effective dealing with crisis and demanding situations
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 96 pages,
ISBN 978-80-7418-175-7
133 games to motivate and develop team members
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Oldřich Fridrich
2. rozšířené vyd. Praha, Grada Publishing 2011, 176 pages,
ISBN 978-80-247-3927-4
Virtual team.
Effective long distance management
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, David Grundel
Praha, Computer Press 2011, 256 pages,
ISBN 978-80-251-2877-0
Diagnostics methods in the personnel field
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Praha, Grada Publishing 2008, 176 pages,
ISBN 978-80-247-2607-6
How to apply for a job
Jaroslava Srncová
Praha, Computer Press 2000, 98 pages,
ISBN 80-7226-355-2
List of publications
How to apply for job
Jaroslava Srncová, the first edition, Praha, Computer Press 2000, 98 pages, ISBN 80-7226-355-2
Developement of human resources in small and medium enterprises
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, RHK Brno 2007, 175 pages
Personal trainer and advisory skills
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, ATKM Brno 2007, 45 pages
Diagnostics methods in personnel management
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, the first edition. Praha, Grada Publishing 2008, 176 pages, ISBN 978-80-247-2607-6
111 games to motivate and develop team members
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Oldřich Fridrich, the first edition. Praha, Grada Publishing 2009, 160 pages, ISBN 978-80-247-2826-1
Virtual team. Effective long distance management
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, David Grundel, the first edition. Praha, Computer Press 2011, 256 pages, ISBN 978-80-251-2877-0
133 games to motivate and develop team
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Oldřich Fridrich. The second updated edition. Praha, Grada Publishing 2011, 176 pages, ISBN 978-80-247-3927-4
Personnel agencies: their role on labour market
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Ondřej Juřička. Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 80 pages, ISBN 978-80-7418-164-1
Crisis communication – Effective dealing with crisis and demanding situations
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 96 pages, ISBN 978-80-7418-175-7
Effectiveness of education. How to profit from investement in developement of your employees
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Frank van Bommel, Ondřej Juřička, Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 136 pages, ISBN 978-80-7418-197-9
Developement and motivation of employees in small and medium enterprises
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Dagmar Hamalová, Oldřich Fridrich, Adam Novák, Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 189 pages, ISBN 978-80-7418-198-6
Managerial communication in multinational surrounding
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Zalán Gasparics, Brno, Key Publishing 2013, 115 pages, ISBN 978-80-7418-199-3
Tests for personnal work: How to create and use tests properly
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu, Jiří Neubauer, Prague, Grada 2014, 142pages, ISBN 978-80-7418-199-3
Communication for doctors - how to deal with patients
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu; Dobeš Svatopluk. Ostrava, Key Publishing, 2014, 110pages
Expert articles
Team cooperation principles
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Bulletin Teamwork 99, VUT Brno, Company for project management, 1999
We are not able to ask for good salary
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
MF Dnes 6/2003
Painless leaving. How to terminate an employement correctly.
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 1/2004
Job satisfaction - „Do you enjoy your work?“
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 6/2004
How to conduct a job interview effectively
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 7/2004
Pros and cons of evaluation interviews
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 9/2004
Burnout syndrome
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 10/2004
Pressure of audits. How to go through the evaluation interview without heath damage
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 10/2004
Can you pose a question? How to conduct job interview professionally end effectively
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 11/2004
Critical column „What is their point of view..“
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
On subject output profil of graduates and current situation on the workforce market
During 2004 – 5 2x v MF Dnes
Get rope to your company. Corporal culture and realization of strategy
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 2/2005
Do you know him? Smart but idiot.
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 4/2005
Weaknesses. The most common managerial mistakes.
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 5/2005
Thank you, and now leave. How to secure smooth pregress of acquisition
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 6/2005
What type of manager are you? Managerial decisions
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 9/2005
Find yourselves genius. Several myths about attracting top manager to your company
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 10/2005
How to make personnel audit
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 11/2005
Company as net of emotions
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 12/2005
Employees under microscope. Good personnal audit reveals weaknesses and suggests right procedures
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 1/2006.
Reportage of Assessment Centre
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computer Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 2/2006.
Fidelity insurance
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computers Press, Biz, enclosure Human resources, 8/2008
Addiction to work
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computers Press, Biz, enclosure Human resources, 11/2008
Management of virtual teams
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Computers Press, Ebiz, enclosure Human resources, 2009
Dynamic developement of personnel field , in other words the personalist has to learn and develop constantly
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Controller News, 03/2009
Diagnostics methods in personnel management
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Personál, 04/2009
Myths about teamwork
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Controller News, 12/2009
Multiculti and searching for basis of the problems
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Mojo, 4/2010
Requirements for work experience of graduates of UO
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Compilation from internation conference MO - UO 2011
Different approaches of Czech and German managers
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Compilation from conference of international relations 2012: Current world economy and politics affairs.
Military coaching : Coaching options the military environment
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
International conference: safety management and society. Brno: University of defence Brno, 2012
Creative and alternative thinking in coaching and mentoring
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu; Gaspéarics, Zelán
Science colloquium humanistic AMW, 1/2013
Motivation of employees, their satisfaction and developement in one package: Output of interesting research
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Edumenu. 2014
Generation Y and the reality of her motivation in their personal and professional developement.
Jaroslava Ester Evangelu
Czech Hospitality and Tourism Papers, 22/2014